Friday, August 23, 2013

Signs of Hearing Loss

Many people have a difficult time believing, or accepting, that they have a hearing loss. Part of the reason is that hearing loss often occurs gradually, and it's not always easy to notice at first. Often, people discover their hearing loss from the reactions of others.
The following questions may help you decide whether you should have your hearing tested:
  • * Do you frequently ask for words to be repeated?
  • If you answered yes to any these questions, you may have a hearing problem. Answering yes to several of the questions, suggests that it might be time to have your hearing tested by a hearing care professional.
  • * Do you often turn up the television or radio louder than others like?
  • * Does speech sound muffled to you, or do people sound as though they're mumbling when they speak to you?
  • * Do you have ringing in your ears?
  • * Do you have trouble hearing over the telephone?
  • * Do you find it difficult to follow a conversation in a noisy restaurant or crowded room?
  • * Have you had any significant noise exposure at work?
  • * Do you find men's voices easier to understand than women's?
  • * Does a hearing problem cause you to feel embarrassed when meeting new people?
  • * Does a hearing problem cause you to visit friends, relatives, or neighbors less often than you would like?
  • * Does a hearing problem cause you to talk to family members less often than you would like?
  • * Does a hearing problem cause you to feel depressed?
  • Monday, August 12, 2013


    Did you know that hearing loss is one of the most common conditions affecting older adults? When left untreated it can significantly impact your overall quality of life. As hearing declines, so does your ability to effectively communicate. This leads to feelings of frustration, discouragement and embarrassment. Persistent failure to understand what is being said may lead to a withdrawal from social activities rather than struggling to communicate.
    At AudioTone Hearing Aid Center, we would like to give back a significant improvement in quality of life, self-confidence, personal relationships and mental well being to all our patients. So we always treat all our patients with our best service. Our patients do not have to buy a hearing instrument when they come to our clinic, they can just come and get hearing tested before making any decision further. So they can think what is the best for them.
    The services offered are:

        * Audiometry check up
        * Hearing Aids reparation
        * Audiometer reparation and calibration
        * Hearing Consultation
        * After Sales Service

    Apart from having branches in major cities, AudioTone Hearing Aid Center also actively services special schools and ENT (ears, nose and throat) clinics. Especially for the elderly, we offer home visit service upon appointment and are also available for companies or organizations interested in doing hearing screening.
    Special for companies and organization we have additional services as follow:

         * Monthly report to help the company control its needs.
         * A flexible payment system based upon the prior agreement
         * After sales service